Our Handcrafted Paddles
The Graves family first set foot on American soil in 1630. Our exploring nature took us to New Brunswick in 1764, and then finally back to America in 1892. The Graves heritage traces back to a family of ship builders in England over 500 years ago. It’s with great honor that we name our paddles after the tall ships that Admiral Thomas Graves sailed on, the ships that brought thousands of families across the pond to America, to explore and create a better world.
Select a Paddle That Best Fits Your Style
The Arabella is designed for lake dwellers that love canoeing on open, flat waters, while the Andrew is crafted in a traditional beavertail style, making it a perfect choice for extended flat water touring on lakes and rivers.
The Talbot is designed for the serious river canoeist who enjoys extended backcountry adventures. For the weekend warrior who paddles on rivers and occasional lakes the Tryall is an excellent choice.
The grip on a Graves paddle is a modified “T”, arched to fit comfortably in the palm of your hand. The grip’s relaxed shape relieves pressure off of your hand, and gives your thumb a confident grasp and excellent control of the paddle. The grip may also come in handy to retrieve a drifting canoe or windblown hat.